I just recently read some interesting facts about age-proofing your brain which also supported why when I do yoga (which I should do more of) that I feel so darn good. People in northern India have the lowest rate of Alzheimer’s in the world (< 1% of the population over 65 yrs.) Compared to us in the U.S. where the incidence can be anywhere from 5-17% in those over age 65.
A few reasons why this could be due to their mostly vegetarian diet and the use of turmeric in cooking (which prevents brain plaguing), however scientist are also starting to give relaxing yoga exercises credit. In fact a recent Boston University MRI- scan study proved that 1 hour of yoga raised levels of GABA neurotransmitters which improve thinking and mood by as much as 27%.
No wonder I feel like a million bucks when I spend as little as 10-15 minutes performing some of my favorite poses. Would love to hear about your experiences with yoga?
Here’s my favorite pose:
[youtube OBAo14PpjWs]
"The Real Down Dog"