The stock market is down, unemployment rates are up and families are having a harder time making ends meet. But just because we may have less doesn’t mean we have to sacrifice our diet and eat crap. Cutting costs doesn’t have to mean cutting nutrition. You can still eat very healthy on a budget. And even though junky pre-packaged food can be cheap, you can eat better, save money and lose weight. Guaranteed! If you follow these 5 easy guidelines you’ll be saving money and shrinking your waistline in no time.
1.) Eat real Whole foods. Pizza puffs, packaged meals, mozzarella sticks, and fries might be convenient, but produce, dairy, meat, legumes, and whole grains will help you live longer. AND if chosen carefully, you’ll spend less money. Always remember to shop in season, try to buy local and perform the perimeter cruise around the supermarket or super-store, where they keep the whole foods.
2.) Cut back on meat, processed foods (anything in a bag or box) and booze. I may have really hit a nerve here and you might be saying "Hey Deb" you’re not asking me to give up all the fun stuff are you? The answer is NO I’m not. We’ve got to live and be realistic about things. However, there is something to be said about moderation and if you apply the 90/10 Rule. Which is simply, eat the best possible 90 percent of your week and then the other 10 percent live it up a little and splurge. Simply put eat clean the bulk of your meals and snacks and then treat yourself to about 1 meal and about 3 decadent snacks per week. You’ll quickly notice that by reducing your consumption you’ll save a ton of CASH and improve your health
3.) Stock up. Look at those weekly grocery store adds that you might leave sitting on the counter and eventually throw out and see what staple items like beans, brown rice and canned tomatoes are on sale., Grab as much as your budget will allow. It will really come in handy and pantry meals can not only be delicious,but nutritious too.
4.)Go generic. Don’t be afraid. Store brands are often just as good as the brand name. In fact I just recently found out from a big grocery chain insider that many of the store brands are made by name brand suppliers.
5.)D.I.Y. (Do it Yourself) Cook more at home.Cook in bulk and Freeze it. Make your own salad dressings and marinades. They not only taste better but they’ll save you $. You may even want to take a stab at gardening. Heck I saw tomato plants today for 50 cents a piece. I can’t even guess how many dollars worth of tomatoes 1 plant can produce. I’m trying to figure out a safe, easy place to put a couple to keep away from the herds of deer in my yard.
So try these easy 5 out if you haven’t already and think out of the box. You’ve got nothing to lose except for maybe some FAT and a lot to GAIN in your wallet.
If you’re interested in learning more about saving $ on food, check out these helpful sites:
50 Ways to Save Money on Your Grocery Bill
Debt Diet For Your Wallet and Your Waist Line
Drastic Budgeting In The Kitchen