I'm sure you think I've really lost it now because I've chose to rant about coproghagia, but as you'll soon find out I've got some very valid points.
I know that you cat poop eating dog owners can totally relate to my mammoth frustration over the fact that your cute little baby can't wait to hunker down on a savory cat turd. Sorry to be so graphic, but it makes me crazy especially when they engage in coprohagia right after meal time. Seriously, what the heck is so good about it anyway? And they aren't discriminatory either, deer poop also ranks up on their sweet and savory list.
I had had it the other day and I needed to get to the bottom of this and find out why? The whole situation really baffles me especially because not all dogs do it.
So this is what I've uncovered so far.
1.) First of all, dogs aren't the only animals that eat poop. Many animals like gorillas, rodents and many insects such as flies and dung beetles eat shit regularly. Herbivores such as rabbits and rodents eat their own poop because their plant based diet is hard to efficiently digest. This is kind of like a cow, moose or deer chewing its cud. Because they have 4 stomachs they're able to re-eat their food before pooping it out.
2.) Many of the other animals like dogs eat shit because poop contains vitamins produced by the intestinal bacteria that the animal can't absorb through the intestinal wall. Dogs and other animals also eat poop because it contains protein. And as you may have guessed, cat poop is very high in protein. Is this making some sense now?
3.) It tastes good to them. I know, I've got a real hard time with that one too.
Now on to my point regarding fat loss. Ever wonder why over fat people have such a hard time staying away from shit food?
Here's my theory how it parallels a couple of the reasons why dogs eat poop.
1.) Cravings for sugar, fat and salt are very strong in overfed and undernourished people. Our bodies always strive for balance or homeostasis and if we're lacking something like key nutrients and good quality proteins, it's only natural for the body to put out the signals for more food. Even if the foods that are craved are void of what we truly need.
2.) Crap food tastes good. Besides the fact that the combo taste sensations of sugar fat and salt light up the pleasure center of the brain.
What are your thoughts? Think I'm off my rocker or do you think my points makes some sense?
Well, very disgusting..but it gives me a good reason NOT to eat junk food if I think about it that way!
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Gail, you're absolutely right!
Ok, ya had to know I would love this post!
Very good points indeed. I'll just add one about the dog thing… if it's a Lab… they just eat any and everything! Could be a good analogy for politics …. greed. It's just about food lack of nutrients or not …. grab it all … the crap and the good stuff, so no one else gets it first! 🙂
Hey K9 Coach, I did in fact think of you as I was writing the post.lol I do understand the whole Lab eat anything mentality. Good politics analogy too. Especially fitting yesterday. 🙂
K9 Coach, Still wish we could figure out a way to get them to stop! So many people can relate and have tried pretty much everything? Any ideas?
Off your rocker as usual but it's very interesting!!!
@Scott, wouldn’t want to disappoint you. At least I’m consistent?
Yes, how do you get them to stop. I get asked this all the time. Do any products actually work?
Denise, I wish I knew. From all those who have tried different products, doesn’t sound like many if any work? I’ve put that question out to a very reliable expert (K-9 Coach http://www.dogtrainingsandiego.com) and am waiting to hear if she has any ideas.
I so wish I had the magic answer here. It is a problem that I've dealt with in training for more than a decade and the one thing I can tell you for sure…..
There is not a "product" out there that works to stop it. (
I have had success with dogs (and their people) who train for a stellar recall… or "leave it", then "come here". Interrupting the act repetitiously before it happens is the best bet and works for some dogs. However… it requires constant supervision like a true alcoholic or drug addict, one little poop eating session can ruin weeks of rehabilitation!
I'd put myself up against any trainer as far as problem solving goes… and yet I will tell you that one of my own dogs (a Lab) will "leave it" with just "a look" at this point in her 3 year old life. But let me just tell you, if she gets a chance and is left to her own accord and thinks she can get away with it… she goes for it.
We have a designated area for the dogs to go… and we are on it and pick up piles right away so that when she does go out in the back yard on her own there is nothing to get. On trails and adventures we go on, she is supervised and "leave it" works. So for the most part she is a reformed addict when supervised!
For other dogs, and my Weimaraner is one of these, they do train out of it with the "leave it" method. She stopped at about 11 months old with the "leave it", "come here" way of directing her. Giving a ball or bone as something to focus on right after "leaving it" over time will create a habit where dogs will go for these items rather than the temptation of "the pile"!
I have trained literally hundreds and hundreds of dogs (and their owners) and the outcome for this problem usually falls into one of the two above scenarios.
So why do some dogs not respond to the training and blow off every deterrent product/training method there is while others seem trainable? Wish I could get a true answer from these dogs filled out questionnaires, but from my years of experience there are certain breeds who seem to be worse than others and it is usually coupled with the fact that they love to eat… and in fact will eat anything. It is their addiction.
Not to humanize the dog at all… but… life seems to move from one addictive behavior to the next. Since people can logic they can be more active in choosing a good thing to be addicted to…. exercise, good food, career, children, creative outlets, writing etc. Or they can choose bad addictions… you can fill in the blanks there.
Dogs do the same without the ability to logic. Being addicted to a tennis ball, alerting when someone approaches your home, swimming after a stick are the good things. I'm sure you can also come up with a list of bad behaviors including poop eating.
Constant redirecting to do something else that is a good thing enough times will become a habit. For a dog that is addicted to eating poop ya gotta be vigilant… unfortunately like some people, there are those who aren't able to resist without a guardian looking over their four paws and assisting them to "just walk away"!
When I come up with the magic formula… I'll let you all know, but for now hopefully some of these tips will help you in getting your dog to "just walk walk away" or at the very least… eat less shit!
Gross gross gross. I still don't understand why dogs think it tastes good…
Me either!
Thanks so much for all the helpful info K9 Coach!
Fulfill their diet….
My Jack Russell pup is deaf, I can shout no until I’m blue in the face. She’s not allowed to free run as she has no recall. I’m working on signs with her but it’s a very slow process. This eating other dogs poop has really thrown me. She’s well fed, has good food. It’s very frustrating as a lot of people here in the U.K. don’t pick up after their dogs. I do!
I live by 2 parks so people walking their dogs have to go past my back gate to get to them. The back lane is smothered in dog poop.
I have to muzzle my pup to stop her eating it. It’s the only thing I can do. Pay attention to how to wean bad habits. I will share with everyone:
I wish someone knew the answer to this because my 3 pit bulls are eating my 2 cats shit every single day but only when I’m not paying them attention. It seems it would make them sick sooner or later and my 9 yr.old pittie is pouting right now bc I put the top on the cats liter boxes and she can’t get her head in and out as easily causing her to drop lots of litter all over the floor leaving a little trail straight to where she naps..I cannot get over her pouting about me scolding her for consuming so much shit that her tummy looks like its gonna pop…can’t watch them all the time. It makes me nauseous to see them do this. So nasty
Cleaning the cat box more often, how ever much is needed sounds logical to me as a first step for one previous comment. As far as what’s on the ground outside, use a leash and harness to keep control and begin the “leave it” and “come here” very early. If they are lose on your property they still need to be trained on a leash and daily walks until they know better.
It may not be 100% effective (what is pertaining to this issue) but it is VERY helpful. I currently have an 11 week old lab and this issue is what brought me to this discussion. I’m reading for the (why) aspect not the (how). Most dogs I have been owned by have had this bad behavior, but I’ve always been able to teach them to change. It’s constant training and takes longer for some dogs compared to others. Just stay consistent and patience. My puppy currently doesn’t even attempt this behavior inside the house where we have 3 cats. There is usually always an area that you can place the litter box so that a dog can not have access to it. If you can do that, you have removed a constant source and only need to focus on the outside.