Hot flashes are a frustrating symptom of peri-menopause and menopause. Menopause sweats are to middle age as peas are to carrots. 40% of menstruating women in their 40's and an estimated 75% of menopausal women over age 50 deal with hot flashes.
Even though this condition is pretty much inevitable, I'm fortunate to have never experienced a hot flash yet… most likely because I've sort of skipped over menopause due to my trashed adrenal condition. I'm surprised (not complaining) too, since my estrogen levels were pretty darn low, which is usually the reason most associated with night sweats or hot flashes.
Since there's no real way around them unless you're lucky like me and menopause and hot flashes are a natural transition in life, here's 7 easy things that you can start now that'll help cool you off.
1.) If you're a smoker, STOP. Smoking increases your chances for hot flashes along with raising your risk factors for many other diseases like: cancer, heart disease and stroke.
2.) Cut out caffeine. Caffeine can cause inflammation and also raise your blood pressure.
3.) Drink plenty of water. Proper hydration enables your cells to function properly and also keeps your core temp down . You'll know you've had enough when what comes out is close to the same color as how it went in. The clearer the better.
4.) Try deep breathing. Slow deep paced respiration practiced for 15 minutes twice daily or when you feel a hot flash coming on will calm the vagus nerve and help relax the blood vessel walls.
5.) Exercise. The release of those feel good exercise hormones helps reduce the occurrence of hot flashes and also improves your mood. Which helps.
6.) Cut back on spicy foods. Hot and spicy foods have their health benefits, but they also can raise your body core temp.
7.) Try meditation and or Yoga. Stress reduction will not only reduce your levels of stress hormones cortisol, but it will also improve your mood and mind set.
These are just a few of the non-pharmaceutical ways to get through pesky hot flashes. If you have any others, please share them in the comment section.