What’s behind busy, busy, busy??????

So our lives are busier than ever. We work more and have more family and social obligations. However, using the lack of time excuse for NOT exercising and placing your health and wellness as a TOP priority isn’t really a great reason. Is it? And that’s not according to me….its deep down according to us all if we really sit down and noodle it.

How do we get over this hump? The first step is to take a look inside and ask ourselves a few quick questions.

1. Do I really lack the time for exercise or is there another reason I’m not fitting it in?

2. What type of activities do I LIKE? (This is a biggie that we don’t think about)

3. What priority number is exercise and eating better in my life? Is it right up there next to brushing my teeth?

4. What kind of REALISTIC exercise and eating schedule could I deal with in my life right now?

5. What habits could I change (a little bit at a time) in order to fit more activity and better nutrition into my day?

If we mull these questions over in our heads and then jot down the answers one by one, soon there will be light at the end of the tunnel and we’ll begin to find a way to make time to feel better.

Posted in Uncategorized.


  1. Your blog came up on my tag surfer as one that I might be interested in. I’m starting a 14 week exercise program on Monday and am looking to try to get an online community together to join in. It’s free (seriously, just walking and stuff in your own neighborhood) and it starts out really easy. I think most people can do it. The time commitment ranges from 22-44 minutes.

    If you are interested, check out my blog at Fit in 14

  2. Great idea to start your 14 week program. If you’d like to recruit others to join or if you’re looking for a forum of like minded people you might want to check out isweat.com. You can tell others and form your own group within the site. Might give you more exposure.

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