Along my journey of becoming more "Green", my eye’s have been opened up to some really cool stuff. Today I discovered a site that clues you in on the top "Green" everything from blogs to clothes to anything imaginable. You can also learn FACTS about the issues, TIPS to "Green" your life and learn about PRODUCTS with an impact. There’s also separate tabs for the OFFICE, BODY (of course I spent a lot of time there) LIFESTYLE and TRANSPORTATION. But the coolest thing I found was the little gadget at the top of the page that will show you how to "Green" anything. I liked it so much I was lucky enough to install it on this blog in the sidebar so we can all play with it. You could spend days on their site "Greening" up your own personal palate. You see one of the most important things that I’m learning on my "Green" journey is there’s much more to it than just recycling and Kermit the frog and if we all improved our shade of "Green" just a little bit, the results will be incredible.
“Green” up our LIVES for the HOLIDAYS!
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