Eat Lunch Like a Belly Dancer…3 Easy Ways

Want to have a flat shapely waistline like a belly dancer?  Well, skipping lunch or eating fast food isn’t gonna get you there. And breakfast isn’t the only important meal either.  Especially if you want to get your metabolism cranked up, ward off the 2 P.M. energy slump and get rid of your belly fat.  […]

“Cheesehead Popcorn” Super Bowl Snack… Tasty, Healthy & Inexpensive

The Superbowl is one of the snackiness days of the year.  According to the Calorie Council and the Snack Food Association we’ll consume about 30 million pounds of snacks on Super Bowl Sunday.  If you need a visual…that’s equal to the weight of about 13,000 NFL linemen (big boys).  That’s a lot of chips, pretzels […]

Conquer Emotional Eating Over The Holidays

According to Jane Jakubczak RD (University of Maryland Nutritionist) 75% of overeating is caused by emotions. And with the holiday season’s just around the corner emotional over eating runs rampant.  Food, parties and stress are plentiful which is usually why presents aren't the only thing gained during the holiday season.  However, just because we’re subjected […]

Do You Think Eating More Vegetable Oils Will Help You Lose Belly Fat?

Sad to say, but the mainstream media and the majority of Health and Fitness Pro’s are still on the polyunsaturated fat band wagon claiming that vegetable oils will help you lose weight and decrease your risk of obesity related diseases like heart disease, diabetes, cancer etc.  The truth however, is like most things in life… […]

Better Brain Function Associated With Moderate Wine Drinking

A recent study out of Norway has reported that moderate wine consumption is associated with better brain function.  Over 5000 men and women were followed for 7 years and were tested with a range of cognitive function tests.    These tests revealed that those who drank wine at least 4 or more times over a […]

Can Comfort Food Be Healthy?

I’m a big sucker for comfort food . Seriously, can you think of anyone who isn’t? I think even the strictest food natzi would admit to enjoying a meal of tasty meatloaf, fries and a dab of mac and cheese. Since I love cooking, one of my hobbies is transforming the foods I love into healthier […]

Health Care Reform? How About Food Industry Reform?

[youtube gP5pCcCbw5s]   There’s just so much buzz about Health care reform it’s crazy! Without a doubt it’s a huge problem. And even though I sheepishly admit that I know very little about what the reform bills include, I think it’s pretty stupid to try to put a band-aid on a leak in Hoover Dam without […]

Juice your fat away!

Could fat loss be as easy as…. Just a little juice a day will keep the belly bulge away? Well, according to some recent research done at Baylor College of Medicine that could be so.  Dr. Carl Keen Ph. D. and his researchers stumbled upon a new recipe for fat loss and the main ingredient is […]

Got “Real Milk”?

How successful are those add campaigns? Got Milk? They’re catchy aren’t they? At least they grab my attention. Cute marketing isn’t it? Well it may be cute, but pasteurized milk no matter what the commercial milk industry says is NOT the best thing for us. Milk and milk products are marketed as the savior to bone health for women and […]